Monday 2 April 2012


I’m nursing my pains; I’ve been tossed here and there, just trying to find something perfect to share my emotions with. I know there’s no word like perfect in life and love, but I just want to share my feelings with someone who understands me better. It’s not too much to ask for, is it? I’m only an emotional piece of innocence wanting to show prove of how I feel with the one who feels the same way.
I just started to heal, so gradually that I never felt wounded. Finding a matching piece to complete the puzzle was my greatest heartache and now it just appeared like I never lost any.
Though I had been pricked, I just can’t find any scar to show for it…I’ve healed so fast that no traces could ever be found. It wasn’t a dream neither was it an illusion. Could it be hallucination?
Perhaps, it’s coincidence. A coincidence that I’ve been pricked again, but by the one whom I can share my emotions with. One who understands the true meaning of sharing.
Would I have ever been healed without you? Would I have ever been able to find that piece if you never came along? There are so many questions, but few answers. I just thank you for pricking me, the right way.

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