Thursday 6 October 2011


..........We met at the mall
while i was picking a few cookies and sweets.
 And he, just around to shop for
some beers, while getting ready to watch a match with the boys.
We bumped into each other and a schedule for a date was set.

..........I was all dressed in pink, while he was covered with Hugo Boss perfume
I could paint a portrait of him so clear, if given a sheet and a marker;
he looked so bright and his smile reflected right on my lips.
His eyes gazed at me and made mine so dim with shyness.
..........I remember perfectly what he said right after the date......we'll
 meet again, right here.
 I smiled and repeated, right here. 

..........I tried to wink, but realized my eyes were already, perfectly shut.
 I opened my eyes just to realize my head was tucked firmly to my pillow
and my body, resting peacefully in my bed;
it was a dream.

..........If i really want us to have another date,
as perfect as we did, i guess we'll definitely meet right there......... my dreams.

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