Monday 9 February 2015


I lost my happiness to you when you left
I constantly break down in tears when I hear your favorite music
There's nothing I do right without wishing you were by my side
I hardly close my eyes when I get to bed...
...Because no one sings me a lullaby to put me to sleep
If there's a man-problem around the house, all I do is let it be...
...Because I never did those things on my own
I lock my doors and windows every now and then...
...But I never feel so secured being alone
We used to be an item
Until you left without a trace...
We used to be happy together 
Until we had that little misunderstanding...
What on earth do you want me to do without you?
How do I explain to the world what went wrong?
How I wish I had answers to these questions...
...But I wouldn't need answers if you came back and told me you're never going to leave again.
Lets start it all afresh
Lets pretend this never happened...
...So I can feel alive again because
I really do miss you.


  1. Haha...was it to "Naanie" or what.....hmmmnn...just thinking aloud ooooo,,,lol

  2. Good poetry and pouring out of the heart by the way.

  3. Hahaha, Khadijah dats history nw n da young ones wld hve 2 read abt it in books...
    I write out wat cums into ma mind n be4 I finish writing a piece, it seems lyk I hve written wat I feel. Lyk I sed, wen I begin 2 write evrythng keeps cumn till am done n it flows easily.
    Tanx anyway, am glad u lyk it :)
